




— 我们是制造者 我们是生产自行车的工厂,拥有一群热爱自行车的年轻团队,我们相信专业精神,并不断投入专注力。我们的规模并不是大的,但拥有比较完善的生产体系,包括有自己的车架厂,烤漆厂,五金加工厂等,让产品研发、生产、销售更为专业。

— 我们是消费者 我们以消费者的心态去做产品,我们知道以什么样的产品回馈社会。我们认为产品的首要是安全的性能,带来骑行的安全感。同时,我们制造美的产品,包括车体本身的美感与骑行的愉悦感。我们更遵守大自然的规则,采用环保材料,为地球的美丽贡献自己的一点点力量。我们觉得这就是在感恩社会。

— 我们要做百年品牌 我们不崇尚盲目扩张,我们更愿意专注研究产品本身的生命力,让品牌更持久发展,就像banian的中文意思为“榕树”,代表枝繁叶茂,永远朝气蓬勃。所以每一个零件的使用,每一个配色的设计,每一个工艺的运用,都经过我们科学的实验。我们有一个美好的心愿,希望100年后我们的产品能为世界的各个角落的人们带来愉悦轻松的骑行体验!

WE ARE MAKER We are professional bicycle manufactory, have a group of vibrant young bicycle enthusiast team. We believe in professional spirit and continue to pay more attention in it. We are not the biggest bicycle manufactory, but the best. We have our own professional Bicycle Framing, Painting & Enameling, Hardware factory and so on. WE ARE CUSTOMER We stand on our clients side to design products, furthermore, we clearly understand what kinds of product are benefit for society. SAFETY ALWAYS FIRST. We insist on producing high quality safety products and make sure rider safety. PRODUCE BEAUTY. We pursuit tasteful bicycle body design and joyful riding feeling. GET CLOSE TO NATURE. We follow the rules of nature and use environmental material for contributing our share to the beauty of earth,and this is our practical action to protect the planet. WE BUILT CENTURY-OLD BRAND We focus on researching the product vitality rather than blindly expansion. We desire to build sustainable development brand, as “banian” means “Banian Tree” in Chinese, stands for vigor and life. So each component, each color matching and each technology are make scientific experiments. We have a dream, one hundred years later, people from all around the world have enjoyed and relaxed riding experience that Banian brings.

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